Monday, October 19, 2009

Acid associated with gout 'could help Parkinson's sufferers'

By Kate Devlin

Parkinson’s disease progresses more slowly in patients with naturally high levels of the acid which triggers gout, suggesting a possible new treatment for the disease.

Patients with high levels of uric acid were a third less likely to need treatment over the course of two years than those with low levels, the results of a new study show.

Researchers are now testing whether increasing Parkinson’s patients’ uric acid levels safely can help their condition.

An antioxidant, the acid is created naturally as we digest food.

But too much uric acid, or urate, can cause bouts of gout, an extremely painful joint condition, and kidney stones.

Diets rich in liver, seafood and dried beans have been linked to high uric acid levels but researchers warn that because of the side effects patients should not try to increase their urate levels themselves.

A smaller study published last year also suggested that high uric acid levels could slow the progression of Parkinson’s Disease.

Dr Alberto Ascherio, from the Harvard School of Public Health, who led the study, said: “Only now we can be reasonably sure that the slower rate of progression in patients with higher concentrations of urate is real and not a chance occurrence."

However, the researchers stress that they do not yet know if it is the acid itself which carries the protective benefit or some other process of the body which produces uric acid as a by-product.

The latest research looked at 800 sufferers of the condition.

The link between high uric acid levels and a slower development of the disease was less clear in women then men, the study found, however this may be because women tend to have higher natural levels of the acid.

About 120,000 people in Britain are thought to have the condition.

Famous sufferers include the actor Michael J Fox.

The researchers are now conducting a trial, sponsored by the Michael J Fox Foundation, to give 90 patients a drug, inosine, which can elevate uric acid levels, to test whether they can be safely raised and if this slows the speed of the disease.

"Because elevated urate levels have known health risks, including gout and kidney stones urate elevation should only be attempted in the context of a closely monitored clinical trial in which potential benefits and risks are carefully balanced," Dr Schwarzschild said.

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